When you use the computer you faces various problems related to computer like computer maintenance problem, virus problem of computer, computer performance is decreased, speed is slow etc. So, all this problem you can solve by using computer maintenance tools or by computer repair or windows repair and by various methods but some computer problems which you face can't be solved by using this tools or any thing.
This type of problems like enabling ctrl+v paste command in command prompt are different and require different solution for that.
In windows command prompt the most irritating problem is that you can not paste anything in that command prompt directly from keyboard. So, here in this blog I describe you solution of this problem.
Here in this blog i describe you two methods to paste the text in command prompt using keyboard only.
Method 1:
In this method you can easily paste the text in command prompt using keyboard. To paste the text in command prompt you need to use Alt+Space keyboard combination. After that windows menu bring up then you need to press the E key and P key from your keyboard.
This method is not so convenient to use but yes also not so difficult. If you follow this method method you need nothing to install in your computer.
Method 2:
The AutoHotkey Script Ctrl+V Awesomeness
In this method you need to install AutoHotkey script and after that create a new AutoHotkey script or you can also add the following to your existing script.
#IfWinActive ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass
SendInput {Raw}%clipboard%
This script simply follow the SendInput function to send the data into the command prompt window. One of the main advantage of this method is that it is faster than other methods.
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